Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

“Good, Better, Best” The Motto of windows 8

This is the motto which has been used by the Furphy Company of Shepparton, Victoria, Australia who created the Furphy water cart used in World War 1. It is an apt motto which maybe applies to Microsoft’s search for a decent operating system.
The motto reads as follows:
“Good, Better, Best
Never Let It Rest
Till Your Good Is Better
And Your Better – Best”
When you look at the development of Microsoft’s operating systems, even just going back to Windows XP, all their operating systems were on a roll!
 However there was one exception Windows Vista! This didn’t make many friends as it ate up computer resources, required lots of Ram and hard disk space but to cap it all off it kept intervening with the “cursed” User Account Control. Never was such a feature so loathed as this.
Microsoft redeemed itself with the development of Windows 7 which is slowly overtaking the popular Windows XP. Windows 7 was fast, used fewer resources and was innovative in more ways than one.

Windows 8

The next operating system is still in its infancy is Windows 8. When you download and install Windows 8 Development Preview you will begin to see its potential.
You can install it on low powered computers ranging from netbooks, notebooks and desktops. It loads faster (on my netbook it took 20 seconds) than any of the previous operating system and shuts down quicker, if you know how to shut it down. At first, I didn’t but a reader of my articles soon put me straight.
1.       Press Win key + I.
2.       In the Settings window, click the Power icon.
3.       Choose Shutdown from the pop-up menu.
My verdict rating Windows 8 as best may be a little premature, as there is still an awful lot of work to be done on it. When you read comments from folk who have downloaded and installed it – Windows 8 News & Tips has lots of this information, there seems to be a lot of angst about the new Start Screen. I myself found it took a bit of getting used to. Meantime Microsoft is responding to all these complaints and maybe regretting they ever released Windows 8 Developer Preview.

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