Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

The New Microsoft Advertising Program

Microsoft has launched a new advertising campaign focusing on a variety of products. The fact that Microsoft doesn’t have a major consumer product launch this holiday season, apart from the Windows Phone 7.5 “Mango” update, is a reason the company decided to take the multi-product approach.
In one of the largest advertising campaigns in Microsoft’s history, the campaign involves a global initiative covering over 35 countries and regions. In fact, the ads involve Windows, Office, Xbox and Windows Phone. This is an important campaign for Microsoft, because the campaign is unique for the way it will bring together all of those products, aiming to create a halo effect.
windowslivewritermicrosoftsnewestadsstartdoingmore bba0windowsmobilead The New Microsoft Advertising Program
What the Microsoft Advertising Program will try to accomplish
With the holiday’s right around the corner, the campaign is timed for the holiday shopping season.  Microsoft want to remind users that even a large software company has to sell its products and draw attention to what those products do.
Keep in mind that Microsoft’s consumer technologies are not so unique that they don’t need to be concerned about what other companies are doing. Indeed Microsoft faces strong competition from Apple, Sony, Google and other major tech brands on the web as well as in stores around the world. Windows and Office are in a different position. They are trying to overcome the sluggish economy. And good luck with that. And on the other hand, Xbox 360 is looking to maintain its momentum; it is strong and doesn’t look weak. Finally, Windows Phone is hoping to make a recognition impact. Microsoft managers are hoping that people will know that the Windows Phone 7 exists.
Major Product Launch
Well there isn’t one coming soon. This is another reason why the ad campaign was started. Present products are the meat and potatoes of Microsoft.  So while there are a lot of rumors about what will happen next year with Windows 8 and other programs, Microsoft now needs to regroup and focus on what they do indeed have. They have a lot.

Source: Microsoft

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